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House Republicans block Gore’s attempt to keep parents’ guns out of kids’ hands

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Republicans today blocked an attempt from State Representative Mitch Gore (D-Indianapolis) to enact responsible firearm storage standards that would help ensure guns do not end up in children's hands. 

The law enforcement officer's proposal for House Bill 1077 would have prohibited keeping or storing firearms in a place where a child is likely to gain access.

“To meaningfully address gun violence requires addressing 'family fire,' a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun in the home,” Gore said. “Hoosier families purchase firearms for a sense of protection and safety. However, irresponsible gun owners in our community make all of our families less safe.

“Safe storage requirements promote responsible gun-owning practices that keep firearms out of the hands of children. It doesn't get more common sense than this. As a firearms enthusiast, law enforcement officer, and Second Amendment proponent I, and those like me, understand that guns need to be stored securely. I don't know where opposition to this policy would come from, but it isn't from responsible gun owners.”

4.6 million children have access to unlocked or unsupervised guns in their home, and 75% know where those guns are kept. As a result, family fire unintentionally kills or injures 8 children and teens every day in America.

Gore's amendment included exceptions for self-defense, hunting, sport shooting and does not prohibit people from keeping guns on or near them when home.

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